First of all, I'm blown away by all the kind words and feedback that I have received ever since I first released CBdesigner back in 2008. It makes me glad to know that I was able to provide at least some assisstance to woodworkers as they pour their creativity into designing their cutting boards.

I also want to thank everyone who has monetarily supported my efforts to make this program. I decided to keep this version 100% free in the spirit of supporting the woodworking community at large. I am appreciative of anything you want to contribute.
A tool to help designers of end-grain and edge-grain cutting boards. A tribute to and expansion of CBdesigner. An OpenSCAD clone in JS, mainly for my own use. If you want one that's a bit more polished try Joost's. However, we both use the same underlying library, csg.js, and it's not designed for 3D printing. Apk emulator. It produces shapes that look.
- We are doing a major renovation on an old house. The front part of the house has 8ft ceilings. This ceiling height really doesn’t bother me at all. Our trim throughout is really nice, everything is updated and the height doesn’t seem too low for the most part. However in the front living room, we ha.
- Video Incredibly Gorgeous iPhone and Apple Watch Charging Station - DIY iPhone Dock, upload by How to Make in 26. Download video karaoke beat.
Since this is a new version, I appreciate any questions/comments/suggestions you might have when running the program so I can incorporate them in future version when I get the chance.
Special thanks to Brad for helping me out over the years by developing the website and hosting the files.

Take a look at a recent video highlighting the use of CBDesigner! Note: This video highlights V1.3. V2.0 Has many improvements, but this will give you a general idea of how it works. If anyone puts together a video using V2.0, please contact Jay
'that is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ableton sierra. Thanks for sharing'
Can you pirated final cut. 'Very impressive'
'That is awesome. Goodbye spreadsheet! Thanks a ton.'
Cb Designer Cutting Board
'this is incredible!'
'I downloaded your program and it fits the bill perfectly! No more trying to visualize in my mind what a board might look like.'
For those interested in downloading the previous version, you
can download it HERE
IMPORTANT: If you don’t have it already on your computer,
you will need the comdlg32.ocx file in your WindowsSystem32
folder. I used its scripts for the standard Open and Save
commands in the program. In short, just follow the
instructions at this link to register the ocx file and it
should work. You can tell I don’t do computer programming
for a living. :P
Download the file HERE

An end grain cutting board
Nb Designer Software Omron
This is my 4th cutting board, and I knocked it out in 5 days, 7 if you count the 2 days I let the wood rest. This was a quick project by my standards, but it’s possible to finish even faster. The most time consuming part of making an end grain cutting board is the final flattening. Since it’s end grain, you Cannot (I can’t stress this enough) run it through a typical planer. Thus it pays dividends to make sure the final glue up is as perfect as possible.
In my opinion, there are two ways to safely flatten the board. The first is with a drum sander, and the second is with a router sled. The drum sander yields a finished board right off the machine, but it can’t take off much material per pass. Additionally it’s not a tool found in most home shops, but if you have one it’s the best option. A router sled can remove more material per pass, but it yields a finish that requires additional refinement with abrasives. It also make a huge mess, unless you have some extreme dust collection in your shop.
Links of interest:
Cbdesigner Software
- Marc Spagnuolo’s podcast about making an end grain cutting board.
- CBdesigner is a free (love that word) program I use to design boards.
Examples from the video (CBdesigner files):
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