Kicad Library Location

This site serves the latest KiCad libraries which are community contributed on the KiCad GitLab page.

Feb 08, 2018 Kicad comes with a set of libraries of its own, which are typically stored in a read-only location. As a result, if you want to customize or create new components, they should be saved in a library within your documents, or your project directory.

  1. There are three options to make a symbol library in KiCad:- A. Make a new library and then add symbol to it. Add component symbol to already available library in KiCad. Add library downloaded from online sources. We will be working step by step through above mentioned points. PART A: MAKE A NEW LIBRARY AND THEN ADD SYMBOL TO IT.
  2. Working with KiCAD's terrible library management. Published by MRE on Thu, - 15:14. KiCAD is a great tool. For the cost of free, you have no limits on board size, layers, pin count, or parts. Sure it does not include an auto router, but who really uses one. In fact, the current build of CERN's additions adds such great automated.

If you would like to contribute to the libraries, refer to the library contributing guide at

Library licensing information is available at

Available Libraries

Kicad library locationKicad Library Location

The following library files are available:

  • Symbols - Schematic symbol libraries
  • Footprints - PCB footprint libraries
  • 3D models - 3D model data
EditorKicad library editor

Cloning Libraries

Users who wish to keep up to date with the latest libraries should clone the KiCad libraries using Git or SVN. Cloning the library repositories means that users only need to download updates to the libraries, rather than re-downloading library files multiple times. This can significantly save on bandwith usage and allows users to control which library versions they use.

Kicad library location map

This site is automatically generated and mirrors the latest library data available on the KiCad GitLab page.

Library updates may take up to 48 hours to appear.

Kicad Library Location List

Last updated on 24 May 2021

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