Best Android apps for: Free night. Night Shift - Blue Light Filter for Migraine night shade is an optimal night filter created to provide warmlight night screen. Best option is not to use your mobile devices after sunset, but if you must then this Bluelight Filter app is there to save your eyes! Say goodbye to blue. This lux controlling app is must for eyecare. Night Shift app for android. Useful if you are searching for: - Blue - Bluelight - Filter - Bluelight Filter App - Blue light filter App - Night.
- Night Sky is the perfect companion to your sleepless nights with a plethora of features within the app. Superzoom up to 1.2 Billion stars using the app and take a closer look. The app also comes with Aurora Mapping to give you information about the nearest Aurora location and sufficient information regarding them.
- Do your best to incorporate our suggestions and you’ll soon find your body adapting to the night shift and the health impacts decreasing. Use A Scheduling App To Keep Night Shift Work To A Minimum Managers who want to provide the best work schedule for their employees — be it the day shift or the night shift — integrate software like.
- The 5 Best Sleep Masks for Night Shift Workers Reviewed We all know how important getting a good night’s sleep is, but what happens when you do all of your sleeping during the day? When your environment is not conducive to catching those zzzs, it can be frustrating and even lead to depression at its worst.
Today, there is hardly anything you can't do with your smartphones. Through the smartphone, you can surf the internet because web designers have now created a phone version of your favorite sites. This and other activities like watching videos, reading documents, ebook,and performing daily activities on the smartphone makes you expose your eyes to the invisible rays emitted from it. The blue rays are part of the rays on the screen of the smartphone and computer. After a long-term exposure of your eyes to the blue light rays emitted from your smartphones, your brain cells become affected such that your they are programmed to seeing daylight only. Also, the prolonged exposure of the eyes to the blue light rays from the smartphone can lead to eye defects like night blindness. Even though we cannot do without the smartphone, we can do well to avoid exposure of our eyes to these blue light rays . This can be done with the aid of the night mode app that can reduce the brightness of your smartphone and make it look like its night already.
- Best Night Mode Apps for Android Devices in 2021

Best Night Mode Apps for Android Devices in 2021
Today, I will be highlighting and discussing the best night mode apps you can download and use on your Android smartphones.

1. Bluelight Filter for Eye Care - Night Mode App Link
This is an excellent app that enables you to know the sunset time. Once the app is launched on your smartphone, it displays the color temperature. The color temperature displayed can be adjusted manually with the slider at the interface of the app. Also, the app has various filter intensities like 1800k, 2000k, 2700k, 3200k, and 3400k you can choose from. With the Bluelight filter for eye care app, you can choose the best color that will make your eyes more comfortable while using the smartphone. The app also has the opacity filter which you can use to either activate or deactivate the app's dark mode. The Bluelight Filter for the eye care app activates the filter automatically using the auto timer feature. However, if you prefer turning on the filter manually, all you need to do is to ensure the notification bar is turned on so that you can have easy access.
Learn more about Bluelight Filter for the eye care in the video below
2. Night Mode - Night Mode App Link
The night mode is an amazing app with a different feature that prevents the blue rays on the screen of your smartphone from entering your eyes. The app has various filters that can be adjusted when you are not comfortable with the adjustment you are using. You can do the adjustment with the use of the slider which you can move manually and you are right there. The app also has a scheduling feature which makes you use the filters at your desired time and not always. If you want to remove the filter of the Night mode app, all you need to do is to tap the pause button on its interface. The app displays a countdown timer that enables you to know the time left while using it.
3. Night Shift - Night Mode App Link
Best Night Shift Appetizers
The Night Shift is an app that prevents the exposure of your eyes to blue light from your smartphone. The app also has the potential to save up to 15% of your battery life when you use it. The battery saver feature comes as a result of the reduction in the screen brightness. The reduction of the brightness of your screen does not affect is functionalities as it works at its optimized capacity. The app also allows you to select the best color you want from its array of colors present in it. The Night Shift app has an auto timer whereby it can be turned on and off without any human effort. With the Night Shift app, you can enable and disable the app notifications. Also, while the app is in use, no ads are displayed in it meaning that it is ads free . You can get the app downloaded from the google play store free.
Check the video below for more details.
4. Darker - Night Mode App Link
If you want a night mode app that has an elaborate interface that is simple and easy to use, the Darker app is the best you can choose. The app has a color filter that contains a lot of colors from which you can choose your favorite to use. With the app, you can unlock certain features like lowering the screen brightness below 20% and scheduling the time to use some features. It also has customizable buttons through which you can have quick access to the app features. The Darker app support for Tasker , a feature through which your phone switches its display-profiles automatically.
5. Dimly - Night Mode App Link
This is a light app with a very simple interface. The functionalities of this app do not in any way affect the efficiency of your smartphone. The Dimly night mode app is easy to use especially for new users can be used to dim reduce the screen brightness to what you want. This you do by adjusting the brightness level feature in the app to the level you want it to be. It also has a timer for automatic mode meaning that you don't have to turn on the timer manually. When you want to restore the phone brightness to its previous level, all you need to do is to shake the phone and the app will automatically restore the brightness level.
You can learn more about the Dimly app in the link below
6. EasyEyes - Night Mode App Link
The EasyEyes is a night mode app developed with the concept of the flux software on our computers. The app allows you to adjust the screen brightness and also stop the reflection of the blue light. The EasyEyes app has a comprehensive notification bar that contains all the features in the app. This means that you can access all the app functionalities from the notification toolbar. It also has a temperature filter. Also, the app can be used to set the schedule for sunrise and sunset period manually so that you don't get a dimmed screen during the day. You can download the app from the google play store to enjoy more of its features
Visit the video below for more information about EasyEyes
7. Twilight - Night Mode App Link
This is an excellent night mode app that is popular and widely used among Android users. The app is developed to avoid the overstrain of the eyes by adjusting the brightness and the intensity of the screen. The app does the adjustments by adapting to the time of the day. The Twilight app is developed for users to access before their bedtime. With the Twilight app, you can change the shade of your smartphone screen.
You can visit the video below for more details on the use of the Twilight night mode app.
8. Midnight - Night Mode App Link
The Midnight app is a night mode app that prevents the reflections of the blue light rays of the smartphone screen into your eyes. The app does through the use of its well-designed interface to reduce the brightness of your smartphone. The Midnight app has different color shades in its color filter in which you can choose your favorite color shade. Also, the app makes the phone sensitive to the brightness of the surroundings hence, the app can start and stop the adjustment of the screen brightness at the right time.
Best Night Shift Apps
9. Night Owl - Night Mode App Link
The Night Owl app is an efficient app used to reduce the brightness of the screen of your smartphone. It app reduces the brightness of your screen beyond the default of your smartphone. It has different color filters for you to choose your favorite color. The app has a feature through which you can adjust the screen brightness to your desired level from 0% to 100% . The auto filtering or RGB filter feature helps your smartphone to filter the blue light rays emitted from the screen. It also has a feature that schedules the sunrise and sunset automatically.
10. F.lux - Night Mode App Link
The F.lux is a popular night mode app that is used in the filtering of the blue light rays emitted from your smartphone while using it. The app is easy to use because its interface contains various settings features. F.lux has the sunrise, sunset, and bedtime settings. The sunrise settings have options like normal, fluorescent, midday, sun, and halogen . Also, you can choose from the sunset brightness options like incandescent, Warm incandescent, and candle. Additionally, the app contains a darkroom, wake-up time mode, color driver, and black background and red text.
11. Eye Filter
This is a night mode app that is effective in the reduction of the screen of your smartphone. The app reduces the brightness by drawing a translucent mask to cover the screen thereby preventing the reflections of the blue light rays from your smartphone. The Eye Filter app also allows you to adjust the brightness of the smartphone screen to your desired level. You can download the app from google play store to enjoy more of its features.
The apps highlighted and discussed above are dedicated to filtering the blue light rays emitted from the screen of your smartphone. They contain the important features that will help you adjust the brightness of your screen so that you can enjoy using your smartphone without any harm to your eyes. Choose any of the night mode apps and you will be glad you did.

Even if you can’t change your shifts, what you do before, during and after the shift can make a huge difference to your sleepiness and your general mood. These tips can be helpful for both night shifts and late shifts. Look down the list for things that are in your control. Test out what works for you, and try to do it more often.
Before your night shift:
• Most people can cope with up to a 2-3 hour shift in their sleep-wake cycle. If you have a few days before you start night shifts, gradually taper your sleep and wake times towards the new schedule, for example, by rising 2 hours later each day and going to bed 2 hours later.
• Take a nap before your shift to reduce sleepiness when you’re at work.
• If you’re a natural early bird, try a long nap for up to 3 hours to reduce your sleep debt. If you’re a night owl, you’ll find it more difficult to sleep in the afternoon but try at least a 15-20 minute nap before you get ready for work.
• Be aware that if you nap for more than 30-40 minutes your body will enter deep sleep. The advantage of deep sleep is that it will help to reduce a sleep debt, but it can take around an hour to be fully alert again, so allow time to wake up afterwards.
Staying alert while you’re at work
• Seek out bright light before and during the early part of a night shift. Even if work areas need to have dim light, break areas should still be well lit. If your workplace feels too dark, speak to your employer about increasing the brightness of the lighting.
• When you have the same shift for at least a few days, eat a meal or snack at the same time each day to promote regular body cycles. If you working nights for several days, eat ‘lunch’ mid way through your shift.
• A mid shift power nap of up to 30-40 minutes is more effective than coffee for improving alertness.
• Caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee can be helpful stimulants to promote attention in the first half of a shift, but taken within a few hours of bedtime could result in a longer time to fall asleep, reduced deep sleep and fewer sleep hours.
Getting home after your night shift
• Do you need to drive? You are at higher risk of having a car accident if you drive after a night shift. If public transport, carpooling or cabs aren’t practical, vary your route home so that you’re less likely to be driving on ‘autopilot’. If you’re very tired, take a short nap before setting off.
• Daylight is a signal to the body to stay awake. Wear dark glasses on the way home to encourage the production of melatonin and prepare the body for sleep.
Protecting your sleep after a night shift
• Follow the same routine to prepare for bed on day or night shifts. This will encourage pattern recognition and get the body ready for sleep – a light snack, a warm bath, brushing your teeth, soothing music, relaxation exercises or meditation could be part of a wind down routine.
• Avoid having a clock or alarm clock where you can see it during your rest time. Looking at the time may make you feel anxious.
• Use blackout curtains or drapes to make your bedroom as dark as possible. Alternatively, a good eye mask may do the trick.
• If you live in a noisy environment, look at soundproofing your bedroom with double-glazing, carpets, heavy curtains and even wall insulation. Ear plugs could also help to preserve your peace and quiet.
• Keep a visible record of your sleep and work schedule somewhere so your partner, family or housemates can see it, so that they don’t inadvertently wake you up.
Recovering between shifts
• Try and find time for exercise. If you can stay physically fit, your body will be better able to cope with changes to the body clock, and you’ll feel less fatigued overall.
• If you’re trying to return to a natural day shift pattern, remember that bright light boosts alertness. Light alarm clocks and light boxes that mimic the sun’s spectrum and intensity can help to reset wake cycles (aim for ~2500 lux vs. normal lighting of ~150 lux).
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